We at Sacred Spirit Tours have a deep connection to the Black Madonna, the Black Virgin.

Beginning with Rosslyn Blundell’s committed attention to them over her lifetime, the connection merged further when we began travelling together to be with her.

The experience of being asked to create a new Madonna in Melbourne Australia, while unexpected, entwined us in her awakening.

In this section of our website, we hope to offer a gathering together of information and insights reflecting her presence on the planet based principally on Rosslyn’s extensive research and documentation on the Black Virgin, and also on our direct interaction with many of the Black Virgins over time.

Feel free to explore the following sections:

We know from our own direct experience that you will be able to have your own experience as you gaze upon her.

Seek the form that resonates with you.

We know the message is always the same –

‘to love ourselves and each other unconditionally with the same love that Mother has for each and every one of us’.

Our hope is that, in addition to our in-person and virtual tours, you have the opportunity to connect with her no matter your circumstance.

She is here for everyone, and has taken on many forms. She has scattered herself across the globe, and her current resurgence is timely in these uncomfortable and traumatic times.

Reach out and connect.

She is a gift for us all.