On 19th June 2019 as part of an extended pilgrimage which Rosslyn Blundell, Angela Fagan, Patrick Mallard and Enrica Mallard were undertaking visiting sacred sites of Mary and Mary Magdalene across France and Scotland, Enrica channeled a message from Mary, the Divine Feminine.

“Tell the world about the beauty of love and loving each other. We are all the sons of God, no matter the origin. We are all the daughters of Mother, no matter the origin. We are born to awaken the soul beyond the body and know all is as God, known to God and Beloved by God. No-one is alone. All are loved beyond measure. Be in the love of Divinity beyond the measure of the world. Pray to me and I will bring your prayer to life. I have vowed to be there for all who ask me. Know this. I am overjoyed to be with you here. Love all as I love you. You are all my children and relish the embrace of you in my arms. Come to me – all is well – do not leave my embrace.”

Enrica remained open in the bliss of the connection with Divine Mother for the days that followed, and on 22nd June 2019 she perceived a calling from Mary. Enrica was asked to create a Black Madonna in Australia.

Feeling unworthy of the request, Enrica’s devotion to God overshadowed any doubt or judgement from the world regarding this endeavour.

The link below is to a Blog of the Notre Dame du Monde, the name given to the Black Madonna in Australia by Divine Feminine on 24th June 2019. In it is not only a detailed account of what unfolding in those days in France, it also includes a diary of her creation and will record her messages to the world as they unfold.


This is short retelling of how Enrica Mallard with Rosslyn Blundell and Angela Fagan responded to a calling to create Notre Dame du Monde in Australia. Their hope is to create a place for all to be with this beautiful Black Madonna – a perpetual opportunity to awaken our own divinity and reflect that love in the world.